Click here for general information related to assignment cover sheets.

Note: All Comprehensive Examination/Distance Learning Scholars are required to meet the standards as outlined for traditional option students.

Click here for course syllabi information.


Portfolios and Websites are excellent tools for tracking educational development, one's accomplishments, and are a medium through which scholars are able to present themselves professionally. Still, more importantly, it has been found they provide an excellent research alternative when teaching. On occasion, even master teachers refer to sources for enhancing curriculum and instruction. To that end, portfolios or websites are required for this class if you are working toward the Comprehensive Examination/Distance Learning Option. It will be the instructor's responsibility to reference and validate that each scholar has met or exceeded certain proficiency standards in key skill areas in order to continue taking courses in the adult/vocational/technology teacher education program. Comprehensive Examination/Distance Learning Option, click here for portfolio criteria information.

The Portfolio will include the following at minimum:

The following materials must be included in the EVOC 639 Portfolio in the order they are listed:
  1. A Narrative Statement in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Interview a Vocational Administrator is provided. Supporting documentation should be cited and included in an appendix to the portfolio. Information about a Vocational Administrator Interview can be found for Competency Examination/Distance Learning Assignment 1.
  2. A Narrative Statement in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Critical Critique and Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Sites is provided. Supporting documentation should be cited and included in an appendix to the portfolio. Information about Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Sites can be found for Competency Examination/Distance Learning Assignment 2.
  3. A Narrative Statement in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Develop Research on Discussion About Career and Technical (Vocational) Education is provided. Supporting documentation should be cited and included in an appendix to the portfolio. Information for Research and Discussion can be found for Competency Examination/Distance Learning Assignment 3 (refers to Assignment 5).
  4. A Narrative Statement in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Develop a Research Project is provided. Supporting documentation should be cited and included in an appendix to the portfolio. Information about a Thesis Project can be found for Competency Examination/Distance Learning Assignment 4.
  5. A Narrative Statement in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Distance Learning Examination Portfolio is provided. Supporting documentation should be cited and included in an appendix to the portfolio. Information about a Distance Learning Examination Portfolio can be found for Comprehensive Examination/Distance Learning Assignment 5.
  6. Vocational Terminology in which information that will indicate the scholar's ability to Discuss factors that influence student achievement are provided. (Click here for Vocabulary Terminology).
The materials listed above should be word processed consistent with CSUSB standards for written work. The portfolio should be completed and submitted not later than the last week of class.

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