Assignment #2:
Participation, Attendance, and Critical Critique and Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Sites

Purpose Statement:

The purpose of this activity is to assist vocational educators in visualizing the different instructional facilities related to vocational education by observing fellow instructor's places of employment. It is hoped through various tours the scholars will benefit from the following: 1) Be less likely to make mistakes and haphazardly wonder aimlessly when teaching and maneuvering through the significant issues affecting vocational education related to curriculum development and planning; economic, social, political, and technological issues; 2) Alternative delivery systems (individualized instruction, modularized instruction, competency-based education, integrating academic and vocational education, tech prep, school-to-work, school-based enterprise, computer assisted publishing, customized training, and technology transfer) at the secondary, post-secondary and adult levels; alternative instructional approaches for each program service area including its goals, curriculum development, and program design; 3) The purpose and operation of trends and issues in secondary and post-secondary; 4) The issues related to business/industry/labor and both formal and informal mechanisms that facilitate cooperation; and 5) Apply the systems and procedures used for implementing a business/industry/labor related curriculum.

Assignment #2:
Participation, Attendance, and Critical Critique and Evaluation of Career and Technical Education Sites

In order to maintain and develop skills as a vocational instructor, it is advantageous to observe a colleagues place of employment. Often, through observation, one can identify with the challenges and demands of instructing and find insight as to how to implement a plan of action for enhancing curriculum and development.

Note: Print the Form Provided.
Assignment Criteria:

  1. Prepare a 1-2 page summary and critique of a fellow instructors facilities.
  2. Complete the facility evaluation form provided.
  3. Submit copies of evaluation to instructor and site-visit instructor.

Facility Evaluation Form
(Source: Finch and Crunkilton, 1992)

Name of Instructor Facility:

Name of Site:


Directions: Rank each item from 1-5.
1 = Unacceptable; 2 = Poor; 3 = Fair; 4 = Good; 5 = Outstanding

  1. A framework for curriculum input evaluation is in place (which relates to deciding what resources and strategies will be used to achieve curriculum goals and objectives).



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  3. A framework for curriculum process evaluation is in place (which focuses on determining what effect the curriculum has on students).



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  5. A framework for curriculum product evaluation is in place (which deals with examining the curriculum's effect on former students).



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  7. Context evaluation (Should the curriculum be offered? What student population will the curriculum serve? What business or industrial population will the curriculum serve? What content should be included in the curriculum? What goals should the curriculum have? What objectives should the curriculum have?).



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  9. Are the curriculum materials useful in the particular educational setting?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  11. Are the materials acceptable for teachers and students?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  13. Is the instruction and curriculum implemented appropriately?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  15. What are the perceived effects the materials will have on students?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  17. What is the perceived instructional and support personnel quality?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  19. To what extent are students perceived to be satisfied with their instruction?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

  21. Are there deficiencies in the instruction and curriculum? Explain?



                1        2        3        4        5

    Comments: _____________________________________________________________

    Total Points Possible = 55 Total

    Instructors Score = _____ /55 = _____%

    Signed: ____________________________ Date: ___________________

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